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Today’s class is a balanced challenge so we’ll get started on our feet and we’ll get right into tree pose because that’s the one I feel like we’re all most familiar with so we’ll start there so to get into the perfect balance you really want to start with a nice firm base so grip them out with your toes keep your feet hip width apart so why not just a little bit miria and then squeeze into your core squeeze your booties bring your hands to Heart Center pull your shoulder blades down we’re going to pull the right knee up and in towards our chest first and then just slide our right hand down and place that right foot right against our right our left thigh the trick here is to press your thigh into your foot so you’re squeezing the thigh into the foot as you squeeze the foot into the thigh then our arms come up and we hold maybe we bring our palms together beautiful and if you fall out just come right back in one more inhale exhale release your hands now we’re going to pull that right knee back in towards our chest we’re going to take our arms wide Flex that right foot we’re going to take the left hand bring it to the outside of that right thigh take the uh right hand behind you and gaze over that right shoulder spinning back towards Center still keep that leg hovering we’re going to try to add on so now we’re going to straighten that leg as we take our left hand to the outside of that right foot straighten the leg then turn and look behind us a little bit harder bend that knee back in coming back to Center let that come down shake it all out shake it shake it shake it nice all right re-engage before we go to the other side so again make sure your feet are hip withth apart grip them out with your toes lift up think about pulling yourself up like there was a line all the way coming up through your head and then we’ll pull the left knee up and in towards our chest we’re going to reach down and place the left uh foot against the right thigh and press in nice from here maybe we bring our hands up maybe interlacing our hands again pressing our fingers away reach up up up maybe even letting our gaze go up this time one more inhale exhale just release the hands then bring that left knee towards you yeah in the front and we’re just going to take the right hand to the outside of that left thigh bringing the right hand behind us gaze towards the right Thum okay hands come back forward now’s the tricky one so we’re reaching down with a straight leg we’re trying to grab the outside of that foot and twisting back still gazing back behind that left arm now and coming back towards the center release it slowly down Shake It Out Shake It Out Shake It Out okay we’re going to get a little bit of movement so standing in the middle of our mat we’re going to lift our right knee up and in towards our chest straighten out that right leg and then hinge forward kind of like a pendulum so that right leg goes all the way back behind you your chest is parallel to the ground and then we’re going to reach our arms out in front of us we’re in Warrior three Flex that back foot spin the right hip down so it’s in line with the left Breathe Here one more inhale and then swing all the way back letting that foot come back down hands come to Heart Center and take it out all right other side so the left leg is going to come out in front of us swing it back behind you Flex that left foot and then when you find your chest close to parallel to the ground then reach your arms out in front of you see if you can lift that back leg up even higher Gaz is down beautiful coming back up hands come to Heart Center nice really good all right we’re going to add on to that so we’re going to take a step forward with the right foot and a step back with the left foot so we’re in kind of warrior one legs Bend into that front knee bring your arms out we’re hinging forward letting the right fingertips come down to the ground lifting the left leg up lifting the left arm up so we’re flexing that left foot and really pulling the toes back towards our face we’re trying to lift that left leg up really flexing there reach the left arm nice Half Moon pose Bend into the front knee to come all the way back beautiful and we’ll switch the left foot comes forward right foot back hands out to the side Bend into that front knee we’re going to hinge forward left fingertips come down just about a foot in front of that left foot and then right leg comes up Flex through the right toes lift that right leg lift the right arm to stack on top of the left and breathe one more breath Bend into the front knee step all the way back do you think we have one more balance left in us all right let’s shake it all out we are going to do one of my favorite balances it’s definitely tricky it’s called Eagle pose so we’re going to bend into our knees here do it from the side I think it’s a little easier to see and we’re going to lift the right knee up and just cross it over the left yep and then we’re just using those toes as a kickstand for now bring your arms out in front of you take the left arm underneath the right and double wrap your arms so your palms are together and then lift your elbows so they’re in line with your shoulders and press your palms away from here we bend a little bit lower and then double wrap that foot nice you’re in Eagle pose see if you can sit a little bit lower here’s here’s the real challenge see if you can tip forward tap your elbows to your knees and lift back up nice unwind that good job okay we have one more side all right so Eagle pose on the other side Little Bend to your knees left thigh crosses over right make that kickstand arms come out cross the right arm underneath the left double wrap we lift the elbows up press the Palms away and then we sit low and we try to double wrap hooking those toes around nice and then try to lift up your chest first and then we’re going to hinge forward tap elbows to knees lift back up nice and slow beautiful all right and that was our balance challenge class you guys all passed with flying colors.

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